Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you know where you're going too?

Good morning…..

I’ve had a song playing in my head all morning – A song by Diana Ross, “Do you know where you are going too?”

The first part goes like this…"Do you know where you’re going too? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going too? Do you know?"

What a question! Do we know where we are going too? Do you like what you are seeing and experiencing? Where are you headed? Are you even aware of where you are going too?

Are we going through life on auto-pilot saying whatever happens, happens. I saw a lot of “whatever” this weekend while driving through some back roads.

I saw people just sitting…."JUST SITTING." What were they doing? Anything? They were just sitting. I asked myself for how long have they been sitting? Are they happy just to sit? Isn’t there more?

I saw people close to the road…just sitting watching the cars pass by. I saw people on their porches; just sitting…I asked myself, “What are they waiting on?” I don’t want to mention the answer I got.

“Do you know where you’re going to?” “Do you like what life is showing you?” Then the question comes up…what are you asking to see?

What more do you want? We all have desires in our heart and you know that those desires did not just magically appear there. They were placed there by God. These are good desires that we long to make happen.

They are our dreams, our plans, our hopes, and our wishes….our desires. I have to wonder as I look upon the ones who “just sit” is this where they wanted to go? Do they like what life has shown them so far? Do they even know?

All of a sudden I’m starting to feel like the “make it happen” girl. Seriously it is true. It is time to get up, shake it off and know where you are going too.

I believe that we are NOT called to just sit and watch everyone else go by. We are called to participate in this most wonderful event called life. We are to live with a purpose which will fulfill our destiny.

Now here is where many of us get “stumped.” Purpose, destiny…what might that be? I say “JustAsk” and the answer will become perfectly clear. That is what I did…I just asked and that question landed me right here with you. I love it!

Ask the question, listen for the answer, press on and discover that there is so much more for us. We need to know where we are going too. Yes we do. It is a wonderful journey when you take the right path!

The right path leads to home. You will experience such a difference when you know. Nancy

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