Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Beauty

Morning greetings to all…..

What a day of possibilities! Sometimes we just feel it in “the air.” You know the feeling; something is on the horizon and it is coming for you. When you live a life of expectancy you will always be ready.

Today while preparing for The Good Idea; I ran across a headline that said…"Better habits for beauty."

Hey, let me open that right up. I’ve got that new exercise thing going on - now I need some “beauty” tips.

Then I pulled back and read the headline again….."Better habits for beauty." What kind of beauty are they talking about?

Let’s look at beauty from the outside in….there are changes in our diet which may help our appearance and the internal workings of our bodies. Then there is more rest/sleep which most of us need. This will squelch the comments…"you look tired!" We must not neglect our grooming habits either.

A little lipstick and rouge (as my Mom would say) will do wonders for a girl. You guys, I say I’ll check with George. (He’s got it figured out.)

Beauty – I say it starts on the inside and that is where we need to develop habits of grooming. Yes that is it…let’s work on the inside so that on the outside we will shine with the light of His grace.

Something like patience, or how about kindness…oh, how about joy - now that is a big one. I’m talking about real joy down deep in your heart. (Can you hear the song??? “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart…etc)

When we are beautiful on the inside; we can’t help but be beautiful on the outside. We do not need makeup tricks or concealer.

When I was pregnant with my three most beautiful children; (ahhhh) I remember George use to say to me that I had a “glow” about me. I think that most pregnant women do. We have life inside of us and it is radiating outward.

Life inside of us….we can have that all of the time. We can shine in His love which will transform us into a work of beauty.

“You don’t need no stinkin’ make-up”….to quote someone not versed in the English language….I say – “wanna bet?” “A little color never hurt anyone.”

I embrace the life inside of me and I really do feel the beauty which comes forth that can only be from Him.

Beauty – find yours…..if you are lost – “JustAsk”. That beauty is waiting for you. You will look in the mirror and see such a difference. No longer will you say…"mirror, mirror on the wall…" for you will know who is the fairest of all.

Enjoy this beautiful day and expect good changes to happen for you. Nancy

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