Monday, August 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Switching gears

Good morning my friends….

It is such a privilege to be able to talk with all of you today. At times it is so easy to take our visits for granted. I don’t want to do that – so let’s enjoy some time together.

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on “switching gears.” Not the grinding truck kind…but the kind we have to do on a daily basis.

We are pulled in so many directions aren’t we? It seems as if we are putting our hats on and taking them off. It is easy for some of us because we can multi-task, some of us cannot.

To radically go from one event into another can cause some stress on people. Sometimes we need to “debrief” ourselves then enter into our next assignment, task, area or groups of people.

I find this to be true of me. If I’m on a trip of some sort whether it is vacation or a conference; I need to gradually slide back into where I came from. Just to jump from one event into another one will take a toll on me.

How about you? I do admire the person who can easily slide from one event into another one without missing a beat. I just need a few moments to regroup my being and my thoughts, have a cup of coffee, smile and just nod my head a few times.

I have found out that people have so much to say to me that I am given grace and allowed to just absorb it all. Thank you Lord.

I was on a trip recently and absorbed so much that when I got back I almost felt detached. I had to re-enter the home zone again and get back to life.

I have found that we need to function at many levels. We are so much too so many people. It really is a good thing. It makes us feel loved and secure. I love the embraces and the happy faces saying….YEAH – you are home!!! (Quickly grab the coffee!)

Our road in life is paved with many twists and turns. I need to continuously ask the Lord if I am on the right path. We have right turns and left turns. We have hills and valleys. We have straight shoots and winding roads. Which ever one you take should be the right one for you.

The demands on us are numerous. I do not want to waste time and energy doing something that is not beneficial to me or my family. This could take away precious moments and energy.

My discovery is that it is more than OK to take a few moments to “debrief” yourself. If you want to be all you can be for others than you must do what it takes to ready yourself for them.

We are wonderful beings…so full of possibilities, strengths and wonder-works. If you continue to “JustAsk” for your guided direction then you will find that the re-entry back into your “normal” life will be smooth.

I’m still drinking coffee this morning, listening with one ear and typing with both hands…yep – I can multi-task.

Enjoy this beautiful day and thank you for spending some time with me. It makes a big difference. Nancy

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