Monday, August 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Talking to yourself

Good morning everyone…..

If I may start off with a question this morning….how many of you talk to yourselves? Several I’m sure. I must admit I talk to myself.

My Dad… (Not my Mom now)…my Day use to say, “If I want to talk to a smart man, I’ll talk to myself.” Then hysterical laughter and a grin would follow this comment.

There is nothing wrong with talking out loud to yourself….as long as no one else hears you. The reason – they will think that you are a little strange. (This is not an altogether bad thing.)

I’ll tell a funny on myself – the other night we were gathered as a family watching funny videos on television. Now let me tell you this rarely happens. Number one we very rarely watch television let alone together. Someone always has something else to do.

I had gotten up and served some snacks to my family then settled myself back down. I must have been deep in thought because all of a sudden I answered a question out loud which I asked myself.

This is one of those moments where you look around to see if anyone noticed what you just did. So I looked and my son Matthew stared at me and asked, “What did you say?” Then I hear hysterical laughter.

I believed that I confessed and began to laugh. OK….he now thinks that I should just go to bed. “Maybe Mom just needs rest.”

These things happen. We get deep in thought – we get focused and maybe do something a little out of the ordinary. It makes life interesting don’t you think?

There are times when we speak out loud and answer our own questions. Sometimes we just need to audibly hear the question. Maybe this makes it real so the answer comes faster. It becomes clear to us.

I have talked with some people who say…”oh nothing is wrong,” “I have nothing to say,” clearly there is something to say….speak it out then we can fix it.

Speaking things out loud or writing them down is a way for us to understand issues that we might be dealing with.

So to all of those who “occasionally” speak out (I mean good things here.) – It is more than OK….I know that you are just sorting some things out. It could be that God just wanted you to share.

Don’t be hard on yourself – no need to look around – people do it all the time…you just might be more creative than others.

Rejoice in your creativity, sort through the best way you know how and forget about what others think. It really does not matter.

I’m closing with my thoughts now – maybe I’ll just speak answers and forget about the questions. HA HA - Sure it’s about a difference. Enjoy your day. Nancy

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