Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Who depends on you?

Good morning my friends….

This morning as I sit to have some time with you; Sammy our cockatiel decides to jump on my foot and get comfortable.

I looked down upon her and wondered….who depends on us?

What would happen to Sammy if we were not around? I use to think these kinds of thoughts before I got married. I lived alone with a dog and a cat. I loved these pets like family. They were the ones I saw first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. They provided such comfort for me. They provided a true sense of responsibility.

Now I look around at all of the people who depend on me. These are the ones who depend on me to be in my place to provide for them as I am called to do. It could be family, friends, co-workers even strangers.

OK – so now let’s take a look at ourselves and check out the situation. Are you in any shape for someone to depend on? How is your physical health? Are you abusing anything that may hinder your ability to care for those who depend on you? Are you abusing yourself so hence you compromise your ability to care for yourself?

Look at the faces around you….do you see comfort in those faces? Do you see security in those faces? Do you see trust in those faces?

I have come to realize how important it is to take care of myself. Not only for myself but for those around me who depend on me. I remember when the kids were really young and at times I was down with one thing or another. I use to think, oh my gosh….now what am I going to do. I wasn’t strong enough in my physical health to care for them in their fast paced little life.

We are responsible to and for someone…whether it is yourself or someone else. We should keep ourselves in ship shape so that we are ready when the need arises. (Remember how I am ready most mornings before….who knows what?)

I use to feel guilty if I needed to close my eyes or put up my feet. I thought that I ALWAYS had to be doing something, going somewhere, no time to take it easy…greasy. How wrong I was. I am better now if I get to put my feet up and close my eyes.

I want to be there when the bell rings. I want to be there when someone says…..hey, can you help me? I want to be there when the kids ask…."Mom can you just sit with me?"

It is time to take a close look at how and where we push ourselves. Maybe you too need a little overhaul in what you do or don’t do. “JustAsk”

Have a wonderful day and take care so that you can be there. Maybe those 10 minutes on the couch will make a world of difference. Nancy

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