Monday, August 24, 2009

The Good Idea/One for all and all for one

Good morning everyone….

The hustle and bustle of the weekend is now behind us. Our oldest daughter went back to college for her last year. WHEW – what a whirlwind. It doesn’t matter how old they get – Mom still sheds a few tears in the separation! (As George and Matthew look at me and say, “what’s the big deal?” )

OK – I’m back. We’ve all heard the expression, “One for all and all for one.” What does that mean exactly?

This expression has come up a few times and it has made me ponder its meaning. I’ve heard it being spoken at sporting events… players talk about their oneness on the team or how about when employees stand together for their employer? This express can be used in so many different ways.

Families have the expression, “One for all and all for one.” The oneness of the family. Unity. We are all together for a joint cause.

I’ve taken this expression a bit deeper. I’m following the One of creation. There I find oneness and wholeness.

This is the place where all things come together to form a perfect union. This is a place where no one is left out in the rain. This is a place where everyone is family. This is a place where everything is for the greater good.

Wasn’t it the Three Musketeers who said, “One for all and all for one?” I can see their figures standing on guard with swords drawn. They were ready for anything.

When we stand like this we too are ready for anything. We are united into the family where all things come together under wings of protection.

Are you standing for something where your motto is “One for all and all for one?” What or who is your “oneness?”

Are you coming together under unity, love, justice, peace, harmony, forgiveness and understanding? If not may I suggest a place where you can find just that….a place where “oneness” dwells. This is a place that you find through “JustAsking”.

May you find your “oneness” today and make it “One for all and all for one.” You will find quite a difference there. Nancy

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