Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Quest for more....

Good morning to all….

Here we are enjoying the last few days of summer vacation. Soon the school bell will ring and we will begin a new chapter of our lives. Do we have anyone who is looking forward to this? Probably a few people I would think.

Today I want to share with you an observation which I had while attempting to prioritize a few situations.

When we look back on our decisions, when we take account of where we have been, where we are and where we “think” we are going life has a way of unfolding. Maybe not like we planned but it will unfold nonetheless.

I have watched others make a plan for themselves. I have watched others grab for all that they could and “should” do. Then I see them sitting and wondering what just happened.

From time to time in my own life; I discovered that in the quest for more – I lost much.

What about you? We do not plan for this to happen. We do not expect to run into trouble. Our thoughts are good ones. Our intentions are good ones. Our plans are well laid out but something just happens. Sometimes something just breaks down. Maybe it is us. Maybe we fall apart for a bit.

I have probably mentioned before how George and I talk about the “cost of” doing something. I do not mean the financial cost; I mean the emotional cost. It’s the cost of, the pull on, the burden felt and the responsibility at hand.

When a decision is made to move forward we normally effect more than just ourselves. If you have a family; everyone is touched in one way or another.

Work increases for everyone; sacrifice is felt by all and quite possibly there may be less family time. Is this what we wanted? Is this what we thought would happen?

So OK now what? We just can’t quit. Remember, failure is not an option. I believe that we must see our endeavors though if at all possible then be slow to make future decisions until you examine the cost.

In this quest of ours…yours and mine….are we going to lose much? Is the cost too high? How will your decisions affect the other people around you? There is so much to take into consideration.

When I feel overwhelmed with decisions made; when I feel the cost is too high; then I “JustAsk” for directions and guidance. This feeling happens to all of us and there is comfort just around the corner. (Well actually closer than that.)

In our race to “make-it”…. in our race to “get it all done”….I ask that you just be sure that the cost is not too much to bear.

I believe that there is abundance and we need not scrap, scramble or compete for it. We need to approach it differently – we need to “JustAsk”. Creativity will flow when we know what to do. Nancy

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