Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Good Idea/Feed the Hungry

Good morning my friends,

I’ve started early today and the sounds of silence are wonderful. Remember our parents asking us, “shhh, do you hear that?” We as children said no. They said, “Exactly!” This is where I am at today.

As I was preparing for today I kept hearing “feed the hungry.” “Feed the hungry.” OK – now where do I go with that? Several places I’ve come to find out.

Let’s start with the obvious. Hunger – it is alive but not well. Hunger – many people experience it. Now I’m not talking about the diet starved individual. I’m talking about the person who has absolutely nothing to eat or very little to feed their family with.

We see that need and I pray that you open your hearts and wallets to provide nourishment for these individuals. “Every little bit helps” as my Mama would say. If you are blessed, then you should bless others.

Let’s talk about the person who is hungry for true love. There are many and they are crying out to us. Children, adults, seniors…many are in need of compassion, truth, love, kindness, smiles, warmth….etc.

There is a hunger for peace, for “nice” talk, for understanding, for sympathy, for empathy, for hugs and smiles.

Hunger is more than our bellies being full. Now our bellies are a great place to start – this will put a smile on our face and make us more willing. But I tell you it goes so much deeper than that. Giving first to someone who is hungry is such a blessing. Seeing to another’s needs before our own is exactly what we are called to do. To be a servant!

“Feed the hungry.” Look for a person in need. You may not have to go very far to find that person. We see it all the time; we hear it all the time.

While walking yesterday I passed by a house where I heard unspeakable language coming out from the garage. I stopped and took a deep breath then prayed for peace. This person is in serious need….there is a hunger for peace, patience, love and release.

You see this hunger could be as close as next door, down the street, the next neighborhood over or even in your own home. Where do you find hunger?

If you are hungry – “JustAsk”….if you are full then pour out and help someone who is seeking to be filled up.

I am asking for more than the money in your pocket. I’m asking about giving out of love and all the different forms that it takes. Feeding the hungry is a personal movement

This is a personal movement that is so rewarding because we give from our hearts. We give to those who are in need of nourishment - nourishment of all kinds.

There is a call to “feed the hungry.” If you hear that call, lend yourself, give of yourself and open yourself up to nourish others, instruct others in His truth, and love others as you have been loved.

Some of the “hungriest” people may be the ones we least expect. If you really look; you will find. Make the difference in someone’s life today…"feed the hungry." Nancy

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