Monday, August 31, 2009

The Good Idea/Opinions

Good morning my friends….

This is the day of new beginnings. (Again.) School is in full swing and the routines have started. I’m looking forward to this because it gives us structure and I believe that structure works so well for many of us.

George and I had an interesting conversation a couple of days ago and I wanted to share it with you. We discussed people’s opinions and when they voiced those opinions.

It is so true that all people have opinions of one kind or another. Some have more opinions than others. Some have no problem in giving you their opinion. How many of us have asked….if only to ourselves…"If I wanted your opinion; I would have asked for it."

Some of us speak out of turn. Some of us speak and give our opinions before all of the facts are known. Some people give life changing opinions before they have the whole story.

Some opinions are formed out of a person’s own experiences. Not so much what another person is doing or wanting but out of their own good or bad experiences. We can put our successes or failures on another just by what has happened to us.

I remember what I heard long ago when I found myself looking for a new job because of my company’s current lay-offs…. I asked the opinion of my friend about a possible job…she told me not to try; her son didn’t get in so why should I? That was her opinion.

She based that off of her experience instead of what I may have had to offer. We are so quick sometimes to give our opinions to others before we take into account everything at hand. So what to do?

Is not giving our opinions the best route to take? Maybe so. Are we being asked for our opinion or are we just giving without thinking? We better make sure that the recipients of these thoughts are welcoming us.

Too many times we speak before we have all of the facts. Before we are given permission. Just because it happened to us doesn’t mean that it will happen to someone else. Be careful what we say and how we encourage or discourage someone. It may not be our right to do so.

By the way, I got the job that my friend’s son did not. I did not listen to her opinion and I followed my own heart. I believed and listened and found out that other’s opinions are not always the best for me. The same goes for you….you have to “JustAsk”. Your own answers will come.

And if you are going to give your opinion, please have all of the facts first - without the facts you may be giving out wrong information.

For a lot of us; listening is very difficult. We are eager and ready to help out. I suggest that we slow down, listen, maybe not even talk…just listen. If more of us did that what a difference that would make. Sometimes we are not the smartest people in the room. Nancy

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you hear?

Good morning to all…..

As I awoken to the soft sounds of rain this morning I decided that my bed was the best place to be. Don’t you just love the sound of rain? How soothing to the ear and the heart. God has given us so many pleasant sounds to enjoy.

So up and at it we go… I want to talk about how we do not always hear what is being said. It is so true. Something will be said to someone and you either get that -I understand look or you hear….what? (Sometimes that “what” is also a look.)

Just this morning while giving some information to my youngest, she looked at me and said, “I’m confused.” So I repeat it – still I get that “what” look. I think to myself, “How plain can I get?”

Now what is happening at this time? Either we are not fully paying attention to the one speaking…daydreaming, thinking of what we want to say or maybe we truly don’t get it.

It is so important to listen when others speak. Even if you feel that the words do not suite you – you should still listen and attempt to comprehend.

Sometimes the meanings in words go much deeper than just the spoken word itself. A few days ago we were in a meeting and a gentleman spoke out some words several times. He then asked, “Do you understand what I am saying?”

After about the third time – I got it. It wasn’t that I did not hear him, I did. But what I did not do was give him full attention and absorb what he was saying. I’m so thankful that he took the time to repeat himself….I would have missed such a critical message.

Many times we think that we know what the person is going to say or mean through their words. Sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong. Decisions are based off of our understanding of other’s words. This could actually be scary if we do not truly comprehend the meaning of the spoken word.

There are direct words spoken and there are parables that have been spoken and we must think on these words and figure out how they pertain to our lives.

A few days ago I spoke out and the message given to others was not “heard” by all. I wondered if they did not hear me, understand me or did they think that the message did not pertain to them? What kind of walls are we up against?

As a speaker of words I must say that we cannot assume that others get our words the first time. Sometimes we need to repeat ourselves. Sometimes we need to repeat ourselves. HA HA (Oops there I go again.)

Enjoy this wonderful day….enjoy this wonderful day….there is a difference waiting to be made. There is a difference waiting to be made. (Even listening to the rain) Nancy

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Good Idea/Who depends on you?

Good morning my friends….

This morning as I sit to have some time with you; Sammy our cockatiel decides to jump on my foot and get comfortable.

I looked down upon her and wondered….who depends on us?

What would happen to Sammy if we were not around? I use to think these kinds of thoughts before I got married. I lived alone with a dog and a cat. I loved these pets like family. They were the ones I saw first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. They provided such comfort for me. They provided a true sense of responsibility.

Now I look around at all of the people who depend on me. These are the ones who depend on me to be in my place to provide for them as I am called to do. It could be family, friends, co-workers even strangers.

OK – so now let’s take a look at ourselves and check out the situation. Are you in any shape for someone to depend on? How is your physical health? Are you abusing anything that may hinder your ability to care for those who depend on you? Are you abusing yourself so hence you compromise your ability to care for yourself?

Look at the faces around you….do you see comfort in those faces? Do you see security in those faces? Do you see trust in those faces?

I have come to realize how important it is to take care of myself. Not only for myself but for those around me who depend on me. I remember when the kids were really young and at times I was down with one thing or another. I use to think, oh my gosh….now what am I going to do. I wasn’t strong enough in my physical health to care for them in their fast paced little life.

We are responsible to and for someone…whether it is yourself or someone else. We should keep ourselves in ship shape so that we are ready when the need arises. (Remember how I am ready most mornings before….who knows what?)

I use to feel guilty if I needed to close my eyes or put up my feet. I thought that I ALWAYS had to be doing something, going somewhere, no time to take it easy…greasy. How wrong I was. I am better now if I get to put my feet up and close my eyes.

I want to be there when the bell rings. I want to be there when someone says…..hey, can you help me? I want to be there when the kids ask…."Mom can you just sit with me?"

It is time to take a close look at how and where we push ourselves. Maybe you too need a little overhaul in what you do or don’t do. “JustAsk”

Have a wonderful day and take care so that you can be there. Maybe those 10 minutes on the couch will make a world of difference. Nancy

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you know where you're going too?

Good morning…..

I’ve had a song playing in my head all morning – A song by Diana Ross, “Do you know where you are going too?”

The first part goes like this…"Do you know where you’re going too? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going too? Do you know?"

What a question! Do we know where we are going too? Do you like what you are seeing and experiencing? Where are you headed? Are you even aware of where you are going too?

Are we going through life on auto-pilot saying whatever happens, happens. I saw a lot of “whatever” this weekend while driving through some back roads.

I saw people just sitting…."JUST SITTING." What were they doing? Anything? They were just sitting. I asked myself for how long have they been sitting? Are they happy just to sit? Isn’t there more?

I saw people close to the road…just sitting watching the cars pass by. I saw people on their porches; just sitting…I asked myself, “What are they waiting on?” I don’t want to mention the answer I got.

“Do you know where you’re going to?” “Do you like what life is showing you?” Then the question comes up…what are you asking to see?

What more do you want? We all have desires in our heart and you know that those desires did not just magically appear there. They were placed there by God. These are good desires that we long to make happen.

They are our dreams, our plans, our hopes, and our wishes….our desires. I have to wonder as I look upon the ones who “just sit” is this where they wanted to go? Do they like what life has shown them so far? Do they even know?

All of a sudden I’m starting to feel like the “make it happen” girl. Seriously it is true. It is time to get up, shake it off and know where you are going too.

I believe that we are NOT called to just sit and watch everyone else go by. We are called to participate in this most wonderful event called life. We are to live with a purpose which will fulfill our destiny.

Now here is where many of us get “stumped.” Purpose, destiny…what might that be? I say “JustAsk” and the answer will become perfectly clear. That is what I did…I just asked and that question landed me right here with you. I love it!

Ask the question, listen for the answer, press on and discover that there is so much more for us. We need to know where we are going too. Yes we do. It is a wonderful journey when you take the right path!

The right path leads to home. You will experience such a difference when you know. Nancy

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Good Idea/One for all and all for one

Good morning everyone….

The hustle and bustle of the weekend is now behind us. Our oldest daughter went back to college for her last year. WHEW – what a whirlwind. It doesn’t matter how old they get – Mom still sheds a few tears in the separation! (As George and Matthew look at me and say, “what’s the big deal?” )

OK – I’m back. We’ve all heard the expression, “One for all and all for one.” What does that mean exactly?

This expression has come up a few times and it has made me ponder its meaning. I’ve heard it being spoken at sporting events… players talk about their oneness on the team or how about when employees stand together for their employer? This express can be used in so many different ways.

Families have the expression, “One for all and all for one.” The oneness of the family. Unity. We are all together for a joint cause.

I’ve taken this expression a bit deeper. I’m following the One of creation. There I find oneness and wholeness.

This is the place where all things come together to form a perfect union. This is a place where no one is left out in the rain. This is a place where everyone is family. This is a place where everything is for the greater good.

Wasn’t it the Three Musketeers who said, “One for all and all for one?” I can see their figures standing on guard with swords drawn. They were ready for anything.

When we stand like this we too are ready for anything. We are united into the family where all things come together under wings of protection.

Are you standing for something where your motto is “One for all and all for one?” What or who is your “oneness?”

Are you coming together under unity, love, justice, peace, harmony, forgiveness and understanding? If not may I suggest a place where you can find just that….a place where “oneness” dwells. This is a place that you find through “JustAsking”.

May you find your “oneness” today and make it “One for all and all for one.” You will find quite a difference there. Nancy

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Quest for more....

Good morning to all….

Here we are enjoying the last few days of summer vacation. Soon the school bell will ring and we will begin a new chapter of our lives. Do we have anyone who is looking forward to this? Probably a few people I would think.

Today I want to share with you an observation which I had while attempting to prioritize a few situations.

When we look back on our decisions, when we take account of where we have been, where we are and where we “think” we are going life has a way of unfolding. Maybe not like we planned but it will unfold nonetheless.

I have watched others make a plan for themselves. I have watched others grab for all that they could and “should” do. Then I see them sitting and wondering what just happened.

From time to time in my own life; I discovered that in the quest for more – I lost much.

What about you? We do not plan for this to happen. We do not expect to run into trouble. Our thoughts are good ones. Our intentions are good ones. Our plans are well laid out but something just happens. Sometimes something just breaks down. Maybe it is us. Maybe we fall apart for a bit.

I have probably mentioned before how George and I talk about the “cost of” doing something. I do not mean the financial cost; I mean the emotional cost. It’s the cost of, the pull on, the burden felt and the responsibility at hand.

When a decision is made to move forward we normally effect more than just ourselves. If you have a family; everyone is touched in one way or another.

Work increases for everyone; sacrifice is felt by all and quite possibly there may be less family time. Is this what we wanted? Is this what we thought would happen?

So OK now what? We just can’t quit. Remember, failure is not an option. I believe that we must see our endeavors though if at all possible then be slow to make future decisions until you examine the cost.

In this quest of ours…yours and mine….are we going to lose much? Is the cost too high? How will your decisions affect the other people around you? There is so much to take into consideration.

When I feel overwhelmed with decisions made; when I feel the cost is too high; then I “JustAsk” for directions and guidance. This feeling happens to all of us and there is comfort just around the corner. (Well actually closer than that.)

In our race to “make-it”…. in our race to “get it all done”….I ask that you just be sure that the cost is not too much to bear.

I believe that there is abundance and we need not scrap, scramble or compete for it. We need to approach it differently – we need to “JustAsk”. Creativity will flow when we know what to do. Nancy

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Switching gears

Good morning my friends….

It is such a privilege to be able to talk with all of you today. At times it is so easy to take our visits for granted. I don’t want to do that – so let’s enjoy some time together.

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on “switching gears.” Not the grinding truck kind…but the kind we have to do on a daily basis.

We are pulled in so many directions aren’t we? It seems as if we are putting our hats on and taking them off. It is easy for some of us because we can multi-task, some of us cannot.

To radically go from one event into another can cause some stress on people. Sometimes we need to “debrief” ourselves then enter into our next assignment, task, area or groups of people.

I find this to be true of me. If I’m on a trip of some sort whether it is vacation or a conference; I need to gradually slide back into where I came from. Just to jump from one event into another one will take a toll on me.

How about you? I do admire the person who can easily slide from one event into another one without missing a beat. I just need a few moments to regroup my being and my thoughts, have a cup of coffee, smile and just nod my head a few times.

I have found out that people have so much to say to me that I am given grace and allowed to just absorb it all. Thank you Lord.

I was on a trip recently and absorbed so much that when I got back I almost felt detached. I had to re-enter the home zone again and get back to life.

I have found that we need to function at many levels. We are so much too so many people. It really is a good thing. It makes us feel loved and secure. I love the embraces and the happy faces saying….YEAH – you are home!!! (Quickly grab the coffee!)

Our road in life is paved with many twists and turns. I need to continuously ask the Lord if I am on the right path. We have right turns and left turns. We have hills and valleys. We have straight shoots and winding roads. Which ever one you take should be the right one for you.

The demands on us are numerous. I do not want to waste time and energy doing something that is not beneficial to me or my family. This could take away precious moments and energy.

My discovery is that it is more than OK to take a few moments to “debrief” yourself. If you want to be all you can be for others than you must do what it takes to ready yourself for them.

We are wonderful beings…so full of possibilities, strengths and wonder-works. If you continue to “JustAsk” for your guided direction then you will find that the re-entry back into your “normal” life will be smooth.

I’m still drinking coffee this morning, listening with one ear and typing with both hands…yep – I can multi-task.

Enjoy this beautiful day and thank you for spending some time with me. It makes a big difference. Nancy

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Stages of Life

Good morning to all –

The other day while perusing my surroundings – I started to think about the “stages of life.” More specifically I was thinking about our adult stages of life.

Some of us begin our own lives moving away from home into our own apartments or houses. Some of us begin our own lives by getting married early and beginning our lives together.

These are the stages that I saw – the single person – this person has time for themselves and their house/yard work. They answer to no one else except themselves and they pretty much come and go as they please. Their home doesn’t change much because it is only them.

Next we have the newly married couple – they do a lot together. They spend time together outdoors “fixing up the place” or they are gone because nothing is holding them down.

Now we have the couple with young children. This is the most visible family on the block. The children are outdoors because they can make all the noise they want to outdoors. Dad is usually working on something outside and Mom is observing the children, running to catch a fall, chasing a ball and running inside for water for Dad. (If memory serves me right!) This household is always busy and always making changes.

OK…now comes the couple whose children are grown up. These children are less visible outside playing…they are more visible outside doing the chores that Mom and Dad use to do. You ask, where is Mom and Dad???? - They are inside doing paperwork, reading, paying bills, listening to the quiet or maybe NAPPING!!!

You are seeing the adults less and less now…

Then we have the people who are living alone “again.” The children are gone and perhaps a spouse has even died. We are living like we are single again. Except this time, we are not planting trees, mowing the grass, laying mulch (YUCK!!) moving bikes or picking up sidewalk chalk. We now hire someone to do it for us.

Aren’t the stages interesting? Where we come from and where we go too are really somewhat the same.

The question becomes, “what have you done in the middle to make a difference in your life and the lives around you?”

Don’t just enter alone and exit alone. We are meant for something so much bigger. Do you need to know what you are called to do in the “stage” that you are in? Do you feel that there is more than just watering the lawn, picking up chalk, chasing the bikes down the street, leaving at 8AM and arriving back at 5PM? There is so much more and all you need to do is “JustAsk”.

Did we see more when we were younger? Or now do we see more when some of the obligations are lifted. I’m not real sure. I know that I want to see it all and experience what God has for me.

Even though our kids are not outdoors as much as before – I still want to be alive, be active and be visible. But – I would like to hire someone to do that mulch! I think that it would make a difference. Enjoy - Nancy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Good Idea/Life Begins....

Greetings to all….

I want to talk about “life” today. Some people say that life begins when you take your first breath. Some people say that life begins at the time of conception.

Hugh Downs has said, “Life begins when you do.”

I stand on record as saying - I believe life begins at the time of conception. I also agree with Mr. Downs when he says, “life beings when you do.” That is when we truly start living. That is when all of the fun starts. We begin to feel life inside of us.

We truly live when we see a flower bloom, when we see the brightness of the sun, when we see a sky full of stars and when we see a hummingbird in flight. We truly live when we see the vast expanse of the ocean and feel the sand on our feet.

We truly feel life and how small we are in it when we experience the Grand Canyon . We feel life when we touch the hand of a baby. We feel life when we touch the hand of our grandparent. Life – so much of it to live and to share. What are you doing with yours?

Life becomes oh so real and purposeful when we get up and begin on the path that has been designed for us. Life becomes oh so real when we reach out and share our life with others.

When we share with others what we have been given; when we share what we know with someone else we are truly experiencing the gift of life.

I don’t believe living life is sitting in the biggest house on the hill. Having your desk on the top floor of the highest building or being untouchable.

Life is sitting under a tree and enjoying it. Life smells the salty air, the freshness of the morning dew and sees the beauty of a butterfly.

We still have the houses on the hill and we have the ones who sit in the chairs on the top floor of the highest buildings; just know that that it not real life.

Life is your heart and soul. Life is what God breathed into you. Take a deep breath of His goodness and experience life as He has given it. I promise you – a difference will be made. Live your life in His promise. Nancy

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Good Idea/Feed the Hungry

Good morning my friends,

I’ve started early today and the sounds of silence are wonderful. Remember our parents asking us, “shhh, do you hear that?” We as children said no. They said, “Exactly!” This is where I am at today.

As I was preparing for today I kept hearing “feed the hungry.” “Feed the hungry.” OK – now where do I go with that? Several places I’ve come to find out.

Let’s start with the obvious. Hunger – it is alive but not well. Hunger – many people experience it. Now I’m not talking about the diet starved individual. I’m talking about the person who has absolutely nothing to eat or very little to feed their family with.

We see that need and I pray that you open your hearts and wallets to provide nourishment for these individuals. “Every little bit helps” as my Mama would say. If you are blessed, then you should bless others.

Let’s talk about the person who is hungry for true love. There are many and they are crying out to us. Children, adults, seniors…many are in need of compassion, truth, love, kindness, smiles, warmth….etc.

There is a hunger for peace, for “nice” talk, for understanding, for sympathy, for empathy, for hugs and smiles.

Hunger is more than our bellies being full. Now our bellies are a great place to start – this will put a smile on our face and make us more willing. But I tell you it goes so much deeper than that. Giving first to someone who is hungry is such a blessing. Seeing to another’s needs before our own is exactly what we are called to do. To be a servant!

“Feed the hungry.” Look for a person in need. You may not have to go very far to find that person. We see it all the time; we hear it all the time.

While walking yesterday I passed by a house where I heard unspeakable language coming out from the garage. I stopped and took a deep breath then prayed for peace. This person is in serious need….there is a hunger for peace, patience, love and release.

You see this hunger could be as close as next door, down the street, the next neighborhood over or even in your own home. Where do you find hunger?

If you are hungry – “JustAsk”….if you are full then pour out and help someone who is seeking to be filled up.

I am asking for more than the money in your pocket. I’m asking about giving out of love and all the different forms that it takes. Feeding the hungry is a personal movement

This is a personal movement that is so rewarding because we give from our hearts. We give to those who are in need of nourishment - nourishment of all kinds.

There is a call to “feed the hungry.” If you hear that call, lend yourself, give of yourself and open yourself up to nourish others, instruct others in His truth, and love others as you have been loved.

Some of the “hungriest” people may be the ones we least expect. If you really look; you will find. Make the difference in someone’s life today…"feed the hungry." Nancy

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Talking to yourself

Good morning everyone…..

If I may start off with a question this morning….how many of you talk to yourselves? Several I’m sure. I must admit I talk to myself.

My Dad… (Not my Mom now)…my Day use to say, “If I want to talk to a smart man, I’ll talk to myself.” Then hysterical laughter and a grin would follow this comment.

There is nothing wrong with talking out loud to yourself….as long as no one else hears you. The reason – they will think that you are a little strange. (This is not an altogether bad thing.)

I’ll tell a funny on myself – the other night we were gathered as a family watching funny videos on television. Now let me tell you this rarely happens. Number one we very rarely watch television let alone together. Someone always has something else to do.

I had gotten up and served some snacks to my family then settled myself back down. I must have been deep in thought because all of a sudden I answered a question out loud which I asked myself.

This is one of those moments where you look around to see if anyone noticed what you just did. So I looked and my son Matthew stared at me and asked, “What did you say?” Then I hear hysterical laughter.

I believed that I confessed and began to laugh. OK….he now thinks that I should just go to bed. “Maybe Mom just needs rest.”

These things happen. We get deep in thought – we get focused and maybe do something a little out of the ordinary. It makes life interesting don’t you think?

There are times when we speak out loud and answer our own questions. Sometimes we just need to audibly hear the question. Maybe this makes it real so the answer comes faster. It becomes clear to us.

I have talked with some people who say…”oh nothing is wrong,” “I have nothing to say,” clearly there is something to say….speak it out then we can fix it.

Speaking things out loud or writing them down is a way for us to understand issues that we might be dealing with.

So to all of those who “occasionally” speak out (I mean good things here.) – It is more than OK….I know that you are just sorting some things out. It could be that God just wanted you to share.

Don’t be hard on yourself – no need to look around – people do it all the time…you just might be more creative than others.

Rejoice in your creativity, sort through the best way you know how and forget about what others think. It really does not matter.

I’m closing with my thoughts now – maybe I’ll just speak answers and forget about the questions. HA HA - Sure it’s about a difference. Enjoy your day. Nancy

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Gracious is he

Good day to all….

How fortunate we are to be able to take another breath today. As I opened my eyes this morning I was so grateful to be able to enjoy another day. Thank you Lord.

Today I want to talk about gracious people. Yes, you are out there. Yes, you do exist. Yes, you do deserve being mentioned.

I say enough with the bad stuff. Enough with the depression stuff. Enough with the he did/she did stuff. It is time to say thank you to the gracious ones who make our lives so bearable and livable.

Do I have someone in mind? You bet I do. I have several in mind but today I am just going to focus in on one.

This person gives all that he has. He gives when he feels like there is nothing left. He smiles when the rest of us are frowning. He laughs when he is seeing the truth…when the light bulb goes on.

He stays up late and gets up early just to make a difference. He will take time just to explain something in the simplest of terms. He will not rush or make you feel rushed.

He is slow to ask of others but so fast to give to others. He would rather walk a mile with a smile than ask another to give up their time for him.

His heart is so big that others see it from afar. He is good humored and trusted. He is compassionate and loyal. He is loving and tender. He is big and strong.

Who is this person you may ask….is it Superman? Sure sounds like Superman. No, he is better than Superman….he is my husband George.

OK – he is probably going to get me for this but I just gotta’ say it. George you are one in a million. I’ve never seen anyone who cares like you care. I’ve never seen anyone who makes others feel so welcomed and comfortable. You have been so richly blessed and you show it by blessing others with your gifts and talents.

I watch what you do. I listen to what you say. I admire the way you handle yourself and I’m so thankful that God gave you to me. I don’t know how that happened….but I will not question it – I will only thank Him for His beautiful and gracious gift called you.

Who do you have in your life that makes you feel like you are so loved and cared for? Someone that makes you feel like you light up their lives? Please tell them how they make you feel. Write to them, talk with them, hug them, kiss them…LOVE them back.

God has given that person to you so that you can know what true love is. He has given that person to you because He loves you so much!

I thank you Heavenly Father for your unending love for me. You show me love continuously just by allowing George into my life.

OK George you are probably saying to yourself right now…what do you want Nancy ? Seriously nothing – this time – HA HA….I just want you to know that I think you are wonderful…gracious are those – who are humble in heart! You have made such a huge difference in my life.

Who is making a difference in your life? Are you making a difference in someone’s life? Just love on them…and be loved. I hear that it is one of our greatest gifts. Nancy (

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Good Idea/You are where you need to be

Good morning everyone –

It is time to start the day. It is time to begin where you left off yesterday. Maybe it is time to start anew. Wherever you are this day – let it lead to positive changes.

A thought occurred to me that we are placed exactly where we need to be. By this I mean; some time ago my family and I were transplanted to a new location from where we all grew up.

At the time of our move I wondered why here? Why in this house? Why in this neighborhood and why did I have to move so far away from my family?

I struggled with this for some time. I’m from a different part of the country and I really felt that difference. Where I came from the people are laid back, not so rushed and a little more neighborly.

So the move was definitely one for me to adjust to. As I was adjusting I began to grow and little by little stopped asking why we were here.

Our home turned into a home for many. Many people came over to hang out, talk, cry, laugh and relax. Some came over to find comfort from life’s hard blows. I was beginning to feel like I belonged.

My surroundings have become warm to me. I find comfort in rolling hills and wild animals which I was not use to seeing in my back yard. Still to this day I ask, “What is that?”

My work life, my social life, my life with God has all changed dramatically. I did ask why here, why now, what for and what is planned for my family?

I’m sure that you have gone through these types of changes yourself. I’m sure that you have asked yourself…"why am I here at this job, this home, this neighborhood, this store, this church."

As I have worked through these questions – I have discovered that I am exactly where God wants me. I was to leave my home, I was to move into this house, in this neighborhood, write this column, connect with you and move forward in His name.

Life changes are for a reason and that reason is to move onward toward the big plan. This is the master plan for our lives which has already been laid out.

It is so important to make the best out of where we are. We are to shine in the light wherever God puts us.

So look around – where are you? There is a reason for your being and your being there. Who do you need to reach? What do you need to do?

When we make the best out of where we are then we are on the road to making a difference. Maybe it is not time to jump off of the train yet. Maybe when you “JustAsk” you will find that you are exactly where you need to be.

Grow in it – make adjustments to it – live and love in it. There is a plan for you – are you living yours yet? I embraced my difference and I love it. You can too. Nancy (

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Beauty

Morning greetings to all…..

What a day of possibilities! Sometimes we just feel it in “the air.” You know the feeling; something is on the horizon and it is coming for you. When you live a life of expectancy you will always be ready.

Today while preparing for The Good Idea; I ran across a headline that said…"Better habits for beauty."

Hey, let me open that right up. I’ve got that new exercise thing going on - now I need some “beauty” tips.

Then I pulled back and read the headline again….."Better habits for beauty." What kind of beauty are they talking about?

Let’s look at beauty from the outside in….there are changes in our diet which may help our appearance and the internal workings of our bodies. Then there is more rest/sleep which most of us need. This will squelch the comments…"you look tired!" We must not neglect our grooming habits either.

A little lipstick and rouge (as my Mom would say) will do wonders for a girl. You guys, I say I’ll check with George. (He’s got it figured out.)

Beauty – I say it starts on the inside and that is where we need to develop habits of grooming. Yes that is it…let’s work on the inside so that on the outside we will shine with the light of His grace.

Something like patience, or how about kindness…oh, how about joy - now that is a big one. I’m talking about real joy down deep in your heart. (Can you hear the song??? “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart…etc)

When we are beautiful on the inside; we can’t help but be beautiful on the outside. We do not need makeup tricks or concealer.

When I was pregnant with my three most beautiful children; (ahhhh) I remember George use to say to me that I had a “glow” about me. I think that most pregnant women do. We have life inside of us and it is radiating outward.

Life inside of us….we can have that all of the time. We can shine in His love which will transform us into a work of beauty.

“You don’t need no stinkin’ make-up”….to quote someone not versed in the English language….I say – “wanna bet?” “A little color never hurt anyone.”

I embrace the life inside of me and I really do feel the beauty which comes forth that can only be from Him.

Beauty – find yours…..if you are lost – “JustAsk”. That beauty is waiting for you. You will look in the mirror and see such a difference. No longer will you say…"mirror, mirror on the wall…" for you will know who is the fairest of all.

Enjoy this beautiful day and expect good changes to happen for you. Nancy

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Good Idea/Bag worms

Hello and good morning….

I need to share with you this morning while I can still muster up the strength.

I’m confessing here that I have been lax in exercising. I haven’t given it my all because I’ve been too busy in the mornings running here and there. (Reason or excuse???)

So here is what happened…..

My mind was made up last night that I was going to get back out there and walk off all of those unwanted bulges. It is a pretty enough day, not to humid, a little wind blowing and I’m feeling good.

These morning walks are the best time for inner reflection and talking with God…or I should say God talking with me.

I’m feeling comfortable for the first part of my walk; then I begin to feel the burn. Suddenly my legs are heavier then when I started out, my breathing is just a little more labored, my head is starting to itch and I feel better holding my waist then walking with my hands down. Why??? Because my hands are so swollen I can hardly see my rings. I keep reminding myself that it is all good.

Just a few more steps, just a few more hills to climb then times of refreshment will be my reward.

As I approach a few more bends in the road I see the long span of curb and I am so called to sit down and rest. I now see the hard cement curb as a down filled comforter. I just know that sitting down on the down filled comforter curb will do me good. What keeps me from it? Perseverance and the knowing that bag worms keep going on no matter what. I will not be upstaged by a bag worm. How about you?

Have you seen the determination in a bag worm? Do you know what a bag worm is? As if worms are not bad enough…they now come in bags. Like I want to take a sack of them home!

These little critters hang off of trees in a cocoon like covering. You can see them wiggle and grow. How wonderful.

We have quite a few on our trees. George picks them off in a manly fashion while I watch and say in a girly fashion…Yuck…nasty!

Since these precious little ones wiggle and squirm so much, you cannot just put them anywhere. They have climbed out of every container that we have placed them in. So where did George put them now….in the drainage sewer. There that’ll take care of them. HA HA – they attached their little selves to the cement wall and crawled out. They get knocked back down again and crawl back up.

That is the determination that I recalled today while I was out dragging myself around. This is the determination that we all need. When the going gets tough…the bag worm just keeps climbing. What seems impossible is just a challenge.

So as I rounded my last curb….as I drug my feet from behind me… I tried to make a fist….a neighbor came out and said… “How did you do….that is great…now don’t you feel better?” How was I going to answer that one?

I said, “Yes, I feel so much better.” Then I thought, “Better than what?” It was at this time that I asked for further grace and stamina. Don’t let me stop now…don’t look at the curb…head home…you can do it.

I passed the drainage sewer….the bag worms are still climbing and I let them be….I know how hard the climb can be and I applaud their efforts….I stood and asked…”How do you do it, that is great, and now don’t you feel better?” I believe that I have made some new friends.

I’m starting over once again…how about you? Have you given up on something just to start again? That is OK….there is no shame is starting again. I’m out to make a bigger difference. Enjoy your day. Nancy (