Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Do you have fear?

Good morning everyone….

It is getting close to that time again….I see dozens of frozen birds just waiting to become the biggest meal of the year. Are you getting ready? I’m still between that place of “is it at your house or ours?” Seeing how close we are; this decision should be made real soon.

Today I am going to jump right in there and talk about fear. How it stops us, overwhelms us, paralyzes us and makes us “Babies!!!”

I will admit right here and now that I use to be one of the “Babies.” I use to hide under my kitchen table whenever that (fradie-cat) feeling hit. I use to plug my ears and say, “na, na, na, na.” HA HA too funny – but true!

Oh my gosh, fear does paralyze doesn’t it? What an emotion to be trapped by. My goodness if you suffer from this then let me encourage you to believe that you do not have to live this way.

I’ve read up on some “fear” issues and this is what I found that helped me….from Nelson Mandela, “The brave man (or woman) is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” YES!!!

Then we have 2 Timothy 1:7 (New King James Version)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. YES!!! Again

These two quotes can fill the reader up with strength. We can and will get through anything when we are thinking the right thoughts and that will come from knowing the truth.

I’m convinced that I am to live a strong life and be not afraid. When we are afraid we are “good for nothin’” as my Mama would have said.

So be strong today, be bold today and be one who conquers your fears. Herein lays real strength! This could make all the difference. Nancy

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Together is better

Good morning my friends….

Well there was much celebration and joy at my home last night….the Colts won by 1 point.

My Son Matthew was on the edge of his seat. However at times he was saying…"Oh it is not going to happen…the Colt’s are not going to pull this off!" Of course I said… (You can imagine) “Matthew, do not dog on your team…do not speak this over them…they will win!” 35 to 34….YIPPEE!!! He still had a smile on his face when he woke up this morning. Hallelujah!!!

Now on to other things…while doing some reading this weekend I ran across a quote from Martin Luther King, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” WOW!!! This is a powerful message to all who will listen.

You know when we raise one another up; many go up, when we pull one down; many get pulled down.

I heard a story not so long ago where a little girl was made fun of at school. She hurt and cried over this. She asked “why?” She continued on her way and looked forward to returning home each and every day.

Then – Then – (the hush of a word) things changed. She found out why some of the girls made fun of her. This little girl is different. She exudes joy and happiness. She loves and she shows it. She speaks truth and the world, even children, are not ready to hear this.

It started with one girl who started talking…who started poking fun….then another one joined in…then another one…before you know it this little girl was out numbered. But – the happy ending….she hung in there and now the tide is turning.

You see what one girl did? She was faced with something she did not understand so she made fun of this other girl. She brought others with her and they did not even know why.

Were these girls living like sisters? No, they were going down a road together where there was no exit. More and more were falling down because they did not know how to embrace and accept each other.

You may say, “Well these are just kids” – can we condone this? No. We all have to begin somewhere. We all must see that together we can make it – divided we will fall. We are brothers and sisters under one Father and He calls us to be for each other not against each other.

I’ve seen this little girl and she now wears a smile because one other girl spoke up and said, “I’m not going to listen to that other stuff….I like you…we can trust you.”

If you wait around long enough, if you do not run but remain the person who God says you are – then the light will begin to shine. Oh, I can see the difference! Nancy

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Confirmation

Good morning to all….

This is wonderful. Don’t you love it when a confirmation happens? When the realities of your thoughts are confirmed?

I so enjoy and marvel at how this happens. This has to do with yesterday’s Good Idea. “We don’t take from…” we share with each other….remember? How no one is an island and we support each other…we have abundance when we share…and so on….well here’s the confirmation….

As I am preparing to assist in storytelling for Church this Sunday I am reading my script and guess what the virtue is: “COOPERATION” Working together…yes, this is great.

Memory Verse: “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NlrV)

Here is the big line which made me yell “Hallelujah” – “Cooperation is not just a “Good Idea” (seriously it says that!) It’s a “God Idea.” Hallelujah again! I’m tellin’ ya’ good stuff!

Believe it or not this type of confirmation keeps me going. I not only get to share with you but I get to present to the children. We are never too young or too old to get it right!

Enjoy your beautiful weekend – sharing with someone. Oh how easy it is to make a difference. Nancy

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Good Idea/We don't take from....

Good morning my friends….. (Happy Birthday Sis!!!)

I’ve been looking forward to sharing with you today… here goes….

While I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday; a thought came to me about how we give to others.

How what we say may be exactly what someone else needs to hear. What a confirmation when you find out that you have just helped another person by relating “your story.”

This is what came to me…"We do not take from each other; we give to each other."

Now think about this - let’s say we approach situations like this… it’s in the giving to each other not the taking from another that changes the whole atmosphere. All of a sudden you feel like you are wearing different shoes. Your thoughts have just gone from being robbed to openly giving.

I’m sure that you have all been in the situation where getting some information from someone has taken an act of Congress. You say to yourself..."what’s the big deal?" "Why is this person holding onto this like they own it?" A power play perhaps???

Sharing needed information does nothing more than move us all along. It is necessary to further our development. I come from a mindset of abundance – there is enough to go around. Just open your arms and share. (Ahhh – maybe this is where the abundance comes from – sharing.)

Let us remember that we were not created to live on an island – we need to interact and share what God has so graciously given to us. Nothing belongs to us…we are just using it to help others.

Probably once we accept this we will be more inclined to give rather than grab. So I’m giving out warm embraces and encouragement today. Go out and do what we were created to do…’s to make the difference. Nancy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Good Idea/A small gesture

Good morning to all…..

What a day already. We have started early and I feel that there is so much more to this day. Yes I’m in a day of expectancy and I can’t wait.

Today I want to share with you a little thing….a small gesture that had a huge reward. This is a random act of kindness.

I’m sharing this with you not to build myself up but to say that there is not an act so small that it won’t get noticed…or it won’t make you feel really good.

I was given the privilege yesterday to give away a Danish ring coffee cake. See, no big deal, right? But it proved to be an awesome moment for me.

While at the store, picking up a few things for dinner, I saw one of my son’s favorite things…a cinnamon Danish ring coffee cake. I said to myself – he will be so happy and surprised. So I grabbed it and off I went.

While running down another isle – I crossed paths with an older gentleman who smiled brightly and I just wanted to hug him. He had on a hat, sports coat and dress pants. He was either going somewhere, just came from somewhere or maybe just maybe this is his daily dress.

We both said hello and he saw the Danish ring and said, “Oh those are wonderful, I might have to come home with you.” I laughed and said, “My son will probably fight you for it.” Then we parted ways.

So… I was paying…that still small voice said to me…”Find the man and give him the coffee cake.” At first we say to ourselves…Huh??? Then I hear again, “Find the man and give him the coffee cake.” I say OK and proceed to find the man….no surprise he was close by so I was on my way.

I handed the gift to him and at first he said, “No-no” and I said “yes, yes” I will get another one. Then he said, “I am going to have to come home with you.”

The message in all of this …..that small incident made me cry. I was so blessed by this by seeing his happiness by feeling his joy that I was overcome with joy myself.

It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day – it really doesn’t take much to make our day! It’s in the small things….just reach out and when you are asked to do something be obedient because the reward of joy is powerful!

Enjoy all that you do for someone today – you may really make a difference in their lives and yours too. Nancy

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Are you prepared?

Good morning my friends….

Today I’m jumping right in with a question? Are you prepared? You may ask, prepared for what? I answer, for your day?

I spoke with my oldest daughter this morning and she is taking an exam today which she had to prepare for. She spoke of the importance of this exam and how she had been preparing for it all last week. Still she questioned herself…"did I study enough?"

I believe that there are times when we just question ourselves because we want so much to do it right. We put undo pressure upon ourselves taxing our minds with worry about how much time we have given to preparation.

If Sarah focused on her material, if she gives it all that she has, if she believes that God wants only the best for her and that He will equip her, if she believes in herself and her gifted abilities then she “did study enough.”
To be prepared means: (on-dictionary)
equipped or prepared with necessary intellectual resources; "graduates well equipped to handle such problems"; "equipped to be a scholar"

Whether we are taking a school type test or just maneuvering through our day; we must be prepared. You know the old saying – “Life happens.” Well, yes it does and are you ready for it?

What are we doing to insure that each day counts? That each day we are more ready than the last to face what may come before us?

“Stuff” happens to all of us. Some of it we are prepared for and some of it we are not. Expect the unexpected and you can live a more restful and peaceful life. How do I know this?

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

You get there by “JustAsking.” You will make such a difference when you are prepared. Nancy

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Paradox

Good morning everyone….

OK here we go again…a word that keeps coming up and a word that I cannot ignore. The word is paradox.

Let’s define paradox: a statement that contradicts itself; "’I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false.” (On line dictionary)

Here is a quote from Mother Teresa:
‘I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.’

Want more? How about a Bible quote:
James 1:2 (New International Version) Trials and Temptations 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

This way of thinking may seem quite alien to many of us. “Being joyful in times of trials and temptations.” “Loving until it hurts.” How can this be?

I believe that this has something to do with rising above our circumstances. Being joyful for what we have and what we are being tested for. There is a bigger picture here….are you seeing it?

We do not have to be joyful about the trial but we must carry joy knowing that there is purpose in all that happens.

Some ask me “what is the purpose?” I do not have that answer but I do know that the answer is specific to the person. When we “JustAsk” for help, direction, wisdom, peace, faith, insight, understanding the answers do come.

When you believe - when you take you out of the mix then the answers come quickly. Not all things happen TO you; some things happen FOR you.

When you hear “love until it hurts” or “be joyful in the face of trials” consider that it might be a learning experience. It could be something that has been pre-arranged for you. Someone loves you so much that they will test you so that you can discover where your heart lies.

There is purpose to your life – give until you can give no more! Make a difference today. Nancy (